Are you a member? If so, please log in on the left side of the screen and then click the "membership benefits" tab to view this page with active links to access these benefits.
Member Directory: Members are listed in and receive access to our online member directory; members may also choose not to be listed in this directory.
Journal of Biblical Literature: Members can read JBL online, access the full JBL archive online, and submit articles for consideration. Members also receive discounts on print JBL subscriptions.
Review of Biblical Literature: Members can volunteer to review books and will get a weekly e-mail on new review postings. Members also receive discounts on print RBL subscriptions.
JSTOR Religion and Theology Collection Access: SBL members receive access to the JSTOR Religion and Theology Collection. Additional access through JPASS is available at a substantial discount (see below in "Subscriptions").
SBL Meetings: All members receive discounts on registration and travel for SBL meetings. "Full" and "Student" members may propose papers for the Annual Meeting or the International Meeting.
Governance: Full and Student members may participate in the governance of the Society through appointment or election.
SBL Awards: Members are eligible for SBL Awards, including the Paul J. Achtemeier Award for New Testament Scholarship, the David Noel Freedman Award for Excellence and Creativity in Biblical Scholarship, and the A. R. Pete Diamond Award for Integrative Scholarship.
SBL Communications: Members receive regular communications from SBL regarding events in the field, new SBL publications, and the ongoings of the Society.
Vendor Discounts:
Subscriptions |
JSTOR: SBL members can access the eighty journals in JSTOR's Religion and Theology Collection. To access this collection, first log-in to the site, then click the link in the JSTOR section that will direct you to the JSTOR site.
Need additional access to JSTOR? As part of your Society of Biblical Literature membership, you can save 50% on the annual JPASS plan, your personal access to the JSTOR archive. With more than 1,900 scholarly journals, JSTOR is one of the world’s leading academic databases. Millions of users worldwide rely on JSTOR for research, fact checking, and book reviews. This discounted subscription includes unlimited reading access and 120 article downloads. JSTOR adds new titles every month so you’ll have a growing collection of the world’s leading peer-reviewed journals only a click away.
De Gruyter is setting new standards in the field of biblical reception. The Journal of the Bible and Its Reception (JBR) aims to shed light on the broader horizon of the use and influence of the Bible in a wide variety of historical and cultural settings. It intentionally cultivates interdisciplinary approaches, invites contributions from a range of academic fields, and covers a wide range of topics, including transmission and reception of bible(s) in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religious as well as non-confessional traditions; in rabbinic, patristic, medieval, modern, contemporary, and postcolonial contexts; in literature, film, music, and the visual and performing arts; and in relation to politics and economics, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, and a variety of other social and cultural issues.
De Gruyter is pleased to partner with the Society of Biblical Literature to offer SBL members a special discounted price of $40 for annual individual subscriptions to JBR as well as a 25% discount on both print and electronic volumes in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) and Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR). |
The Pennsylvania State University Press fulfills the academic mission of The Pennsylvania State University by publishing peer-reviewed books and journals for national and international scholarly communities. The press is recognized for supporting first-class scholarship and demanding exceptional editorial and design standards.
SBL members can subscribe to the Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies at a discount of 50% off of the individual subscriber price for either print, online, or print+online. SBL members can also subscribe to any of the other Pennsylvania State University Press journals with a discount of 35% discount off of the individual subscription price for either print, online, or print+online |
ACLS Humanities E-Book: Society of Biblical Literature is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies. The ACLS offers individual annual subscriptions to ACLS Humanities E-Book to current Society of Biblical Literature members. HEB offers unlimited access to over 5,700 full-text, cross-searchable titles across the humanities and social sciences, from the 1880s through the present. |
Cambridge University Press is delighted to offer SBL members significant reductions on individual print subscriptions to the following journals:
Harvard Theological Review (quarterly) $38 [normally $55]
Scottish Journal of Theology (quarterly) $40 [normally $54]
Religious Studies (quarterly) $65 [normally $96]
New Testament Studies (quarterly) $70 [normally $76]
Journal of Anglican Studies (biannual) $25 [normally $50]
For details of all Cambridge University Press's journals in this area, visit the Cambridge University Press website. For details of books in religious studies, go to www.cambridge.org/us/religion. |
The Journal of Ancient Judaism covers the full scope of Judaism from the Babylonian exile to the completion of the two Talmuds. Three issues of the journal will be published each year, one will be a thematic issue dedicated to texts or concepts at the cutting edge of Jewish studies. Each issue will comprise approximately 140 pages with an article section of 120 pages and a review section of 20 pages. SBL members get a discount of 25%. Subscription price for individuals: € 89. |
Sage Publications offers a 30% discount to SBL members on their journals for biblical studies including Expository Times, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Currents in Biblical Research, Studies in Christian Ethics, Feminist Theology, Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha, and Biblical Theology Bulletin.
To receive the SBL discount to one or more of these journals, please contact Sage Publications (contact info below) and indicate that you are a member of the SBL and thus eligible to receive a 30% discount on the posted subscription price:
Customers in the U.S.A. and Canada, telephone 800-818-7243 or 805-499-9774 or email journals@sagepub.com
Customers in the U.K. and the rest of the world, telephone +44-207-324-8701 or email subscriptions@sagepub.co.uk
Religion & Education is an academic, peer-reviewed journal that advances public understanding and dialogue on religion and education. Articles represent work in: public or private education at elementary, secondary, or higher education institutions; community organizations and settings; and organizations working in religion or spirituality. This journal does not address the work of formal religious institutions. Rather, it focuses on the beliefs and values arising from all religious traditions as they come into contact with educational work in the public square. Religion & Education offers SBL members a discounted subscription rate. |
Software |
Nota Bene is the only software that combines everything you need for
your academic research and writing in a single, seamless, integrated package, A
bibliographic manager will enter citations in your document and generate
bibliographies, all formatted according SBL Handbook, 2nd edition (or your
choice of other academic styles). A text-retrieval engine will search all of
your notes, find the text you need, and present search results for your review
and for easy insertion in your open document. Optional support for Hebrew and
Greek was called the “the best multilingual facilities of any currently
available word processor” by an independent reviewer. SBL members receive 25%
off on new purchases of Nota Bene Workstation, and 50% off for the Lingua,
Orbis+ and/or Archiva add-on modules.
Logos Bible Study App is is a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer, tablet, or phone. SBL members receive 15% off all Logos base packages. |
Books |
SBL Press books and affiliate publications go on sale at a 30% discount in conjunction with the SBL Annual Meeting in the fall. Even if you don't go to the meetings, you can get the discount through the SBL Press Store.The promotional code and time restraints are provided via e-mail to current SBL members. |
Over one hundred religion book publishers exhibit at the various SBL meetings. Exhibitors offer deep discounts to SBL member attendees. The exhibitors are listed in the program books of the meetings. Check for information on publishers booth locations at the SBL meeting at their websites. |
Other Discounts |
Other discounts become available throughout the year. SBL negotiates travel discounts for members attending the International Meeting and Annual Meeting. |
Questions About Membership?
- Toll free number in the US: 866-727-9955
- Outside the US: call 01-404-727-9498
- Fax: 404-727-2419
- Email us at sblservices@sbl-site.org